Thermowaste will bring the circular economy closer to Ariño
Article published by Diario de Teruel
Thermowaste and the City Council of Ariño have signed a collaboration agreement that will allow them to carry out different activities to promote a local circular economy.
The agreement aims to train and raise awareness through the development of various activities to the citizens of Ariño, also seeking their commitment and involvement with the social cause of the company.
Thermowaste, among other activities, will participate in the Free Painting Contest to be held during the Cultural Week of the municipality by means of an economic contribution to the winners of the contest.
With the inauguration of Thermowaste’s Assembly and Testing Center in the municipality (CEET) it is also planned to organize a day of Circular Economy open to the citizens of Ariño and nearby municipalities. During this day, guided visits will be organized around the facilities and the process of Limpulación that transforms waste into clean materials that can be reintroduced into society will be explained.
With this type of activities, the company tries to connect and explain the importance of the project to the population which has welcomed and trusted its project and proposal.
Links to articles published in the media:
31/03/2023, La comarca