THERMOWASTE considers its suppliers, contractors and external collaborators an indispensable part of the achievement of its growth and service quality improvement objectives, seeking to establish relationships with them based on trust and mutual benefit.

The THERMOWASTE Supplier Code of Conduct is understood as an extension of our company's Code of Conduct and our Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Program. Its purpose is to establish the minimum guidelines that should govern the behavior of suppliers, contractors and external collaborators in accordance with THERMOWASTE's corporate culture and regulatory system.

The criteria reflected in this Code are not intended to cover all situations or circumstances that may be encountered, but to establish general guidelines to guide them in the way they act during the performance of their professional activity.

THERMOWASTE is committed to promote and encourage among its suppliers, contractors and external collaborating companies the adoption of practices in accordance with the guidelines included in this Code and will provide the necessary means to ensure that they know and understand this Code and can assume its compliance.

Compliance with this Code is independent of the place in the world where suppliers, contractors and collaborating companies operate, without prejudice to compliance with existing legislation in each country.

All suppliers, contractors and collaborating companies may confidentially, in good faith and without fear of retaliation, contact the THERMOWASTE Conduct and Compliance Committee to report any non-compliance with the Code of Conduct guidelines that they observe in their professional performance. They may also consult any aspect related to our ODS program.

Such communication may be made through the ODS and Compliance channel enabled through the email The communications received will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection.

This Code of Conduct includes the commitments derived from the United Nations Global Compact and the THERMOWASTE Integrated Management System Policy.


Human Rights: THERMOWASTE's suppliers and partners shall support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights within their sphere of influence and shall ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Child Labor: it is prohibited to employ children in violation of the provisions of the ILO (International Labor Organization) conventions. (ILO Convention No. 138).

Forced and compulsory labor: workers shall be free to terminate the employment relationship in compliance with the established deadlines. The supplier shall in no case resort to forced and compulsory labor. Work is considered forced and compulsory when it is demanded of an individual under threat and when the individual does not offer himself voluntarily. (ILO Conventions No. 29 and 105).

Freedom of association: workers shall have the right to associate freely, to join trade unions, and to appoint representatives. The supplier shall ensure that trade union independence and pluralism are respected. (ILO Convention No. 87 and 135). The supplier undertakes to promote collective bargaining as a central element of social dialogue. (ILO Convention No. 68).

Remuneration and social benefits: THERMOWASTE's suppliers, contractors and external collaborators shall remunerate their employees in an appropriate manner, adjusted to their skills, responsibilities and functions, and aligned with the applicable legislation and the conditions of the markets where they operate. The supplier recognizes the principle of equal remuneration in relation to workers of equal professional category and equal performance, in particular between men and women. (ILO Convention No. 100).

Working hours: working hours and rest must at least comply with applicable legislation in force, business sector standards, or ILO conventions, depending on which regulation is stricter.

Fair treatment: the practice or support of physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse or threats in the workplace is prohibited. Disciplinary policies and procedures shall be defined and duly communicated to all employees, and measures shall be taken to prevent and remedy such acts.

Discrimination and equal opportunity: any discrimination in hiring and career advancement based on culture, nationality, sex, religion, political and trade union beliefs, differences in experience, professional background, physical characteristics, pregnancy, age, health status, and sexual orientation is prohibited. (ILO Convention No. 111). THERMOWASTE's suppliers, contractors and external collaborators shall promote equal opportunities in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion and professional development.

Local communities and indigenous communities: THERMOWASTE's suppliers, contractors and external collaborators shall respect the rights of the communities, including indigenous communities, in the places where they operate, committing themselves to ensure that their activities do not have a negative impact on the traditional ways of life and work of the people living in their areas of operation.

Health and safety: the supplier undertakes to implement effective occupational health and safety policies based on prevention, and in the form of action plans and commitments involving everyone according to their level of responsibility, including the social partners. (ILO Convention No. 155). Workers should enjoy a healthy and safe working environment that meets or exceeds applicable occupational health and safety standards. Ensure that any potential risk situation that could affect workers, customers, clients, users and the safety of the facilities is notified, evaluated and managed appropriately.

Environment: suppliers, contractors and external collaborators will maintain a constant commitment to environmental protection and will comply with the standards and requirements established in applicable local and international legislation. They will integrate environmental criteria into business processes, new projects, activities, products and services, as well as in the selection and evaluation of their suppliers. Pollution prevention and continuous improvement will be ensured.


Fair competition: maintain fair business, advertising and competition standards and exercise responsible taxation, filing and paying tax obligations on time and avoiding double counting.

Promotions and advertising: THERMOWASTE's suppliers, contractors and external collaborators must take the utmost care to preserve THERMOWASTE's image and reputation in their professional activities. They shall also ensure that the image and reputation of THERMOWASTE is respected and used correctly by their employees and subcontractors. In the marketing of products and services they must use promotions or advertising respectful of human dignity, health and safety, which are not misleading or incite illegal, dangerous or contrary to the principles of sustainability and social responsibility.

Quality and safe goods and services: the products and services delivered by suppliers, contractors and external collaborators must comply with the quality and safety standards and parameters required by applicable laws, paying special attention to price and delivery time compliance.

Contracts: THERMOWASTE as well as its suppliers, contractors and collaborators shall draw up and complete contracts in accordance with the principles of transparency, truthfulness, trust and good faith. Likewise, they must avoid abusive actions derived from possible dominant positions. Clear, complete and truthful information must be provided on the characteristics of goods and services, prices, budgets, guarantees, insurance and taxes.


This Code of Conduct is mandatory for all suppliers, contractors and external collaborators of THERMOWASTE. Suppliers, contractors and external collaborators shall establish appropriate mechanisms for the dissemination of this Code among their employees and especially among those who perform work for THERMOWASTE. They shall also be responsible for ensuring that their own suppliers, contractors and external collaborators are subject to principles of conduct equivalent to those of this Code of Conduct. THERMOWASTE expects a high level of commitment to compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct from all its suppliers, contractors and external collaborators. THERMOWASTE will terminate business relationships with suppliers, contractors and external collaborators who violate the guidelines of conduct defined in this Code, especially those relating to human rights and corrupt practices.


This Code of Conduct is approved by the ODS and Compliance Committee. It will be reviewed periodically and at the proposal of the Purchasing, Compliance, Environment and Social Responsibility areas, which will take into account the suggestions and proposals made by suppliers and contractors.